What happened to April and most of May???????
The first strawberries are ready in the garden and we've been scoffing them by the bowlful.....
No plausible excuses here, just let the BLOG slip off my radar with one thing and another
We had big celebrations in the village with folk troupes from all over the region visiting to perform...
..the guesthouse is busying up for the season and we had the pleasure (if you could call it that) of a visit from our friends Tony and Tony with their partners and a higgledy piggledy assortment of vehicles and trailers...I swear they looked like tinker travellers.....We had a great night out with them and are looking forward to seeing them all again soon.
All the usual avian suspects are back for Spring,Summer and Autumn. Golden Orioles, Spoonbills, Cuckoos, I think I heard the first Bee-eaters yesterday too!! The water level in the lake is very low as you can see in these pics but the birdlife is still flourishing...It great to see how various species exploit the changing conditions......lower water levels mean more exposed reed beds so the Terns and Black-headed Gulls are thriving..The Pelicans seem very settled in their new site and whilst this years breeding was badly interrupted we all have big hopes for next year.
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