Mike goes to Malta
Earlier this month Mike was over in Malta volunteering with CABS
to prevent illegal bird hunting and trapping.
See this excerpt from the report below from:

MALTA: Final Autumn Camp Report
In the course of the 3 week operation a total of 486 cases of illegal hunting were recorded. These included 23 directly observed shooting down of birds of prey, some of which were captured on video. In addition 24 observations or finds of protected birds, with what were evidently shot gun injuries, were registered. Four cases of illegal wader species trapping and the discovery of one illegal cage trap containing a dozen freshly-caught Turtle Doves were also recorded.
In the course of nightly mapping of illegal electronic bird lures, used by hunters and trappers to lure birds to their nets or shooting hides, 119 ‘bird callers’ were located. Between 15 and 30 September CABS teams registered a total of 286 shots after the afternoon hunting curfew imposed by the government

The final report from the CABS autumn migration camp - Operation SAFE HAVEN - is now online and available for download below. It includes all incidents and other observations made by our teams over three weeks and a short evaluation of the collated data. Our sincere thanks go to all 32 team and staff members from Bulgaria, Germany, Holland, Israel, Italy, Malta, Poland, UK and the USA who contributed to the success of our operations. We hope to see them all back in 2010.

You can download a detailed report as pdf here simply cut and paste the link below:
For more information and details on how you can add your support visit : http://www.komitee.de/en/index.php?index