A double celebration today. It was 'Trifon Zaresan' the day when traditionally in Bulgaria we wish for a successful grape harvest for the coming year. 5 of us headed out to the hills above the reserve for a picnic with drinks and inevitably dancing around a campfire. It was a great day and we were delighted to see that after a few weeks of small groups coming and going, around 50 Dalmatian Pelicans have settled back in their breeding ground for this year. I attempted to catch a few photos through the eye-piece of one of our telescopes, the quality is low but you can clearly see the bright Red/Orange throat-sack, a sure sign of omcoming breeding behaviour.
In no particular order in the following pics you can see, Geoff, Kolyo, Nasco, Encho and myself enjoying a glass or two of last years wine.

It was a fantastic day and I'm already looking forward to next year.